Friday, December 19, 2008

Show us your Red Lady Prayer Flags!

Red Lady Prayer Flags Project

Red Lady, or Mt. Emmons, is the sentinel peak of Crested Butte, Colorado. Visible from anywhere in town, it lies at the western end of Elk Avenue. One mile outside of the town’s boundaries, it is the place where the sun and the moon set. It is also a favorite place for skiing, hiking and seeing boundless wildflowers. At its base is the source of our drinking water – Coal Creek. It is home to elk, black bear, deer, lynx, mountain lion and a myriad of other, smaller creatures living in the old growth spruce, fir and aspen forests that blanket its ridges and valleys.

The Lady has a looming threat, however. Mining companies are proposing to open a massive scale molybdenum mine on the mountain. The Red Lady Prayer Flags are a symbol of the fierce opposition to such a proposal. Pins on the map below show where those who oppose a mine on Mt. Emmons have hung their flags
Click on the map below to add the locations of your flags.

Prayer Flags Map FAQ

Q. I tried to place my flag pin, but an alert said I have to leave a message. What does this mean?
A. You need to add some kind of description in the field labeled message, such as the flags’ location. The message can be a description of your flags, their location or anything you’d like to say about Red Lady.

Q. The map doesn’t show streets or street names. How do I make them appear?
A. Two things can affect whether or not the streets are labeled. One is the zoom level – you may have to zoom in to show streets and street names. The other is the type of map selected. In the upper right hand corner of the map you can select map, satellite or hybrid. Only the hybrid mode will have the satellite image with overlaid street names.

Q. I tried to go back and edit my flag pin, but the program wouldn’t allow editing access. How can I change the location and/or description of my flags?
A. The program allows you 1 hour after first placing your flag pin to edit or delete your pin before it becomes permanent. Any changes to the location or description of your flag have to be made within this time. If you would like to have a flag location removed please send an e-mail to

Q. I want to add a photo to my flag pin. How do I do that?
A. After choosing the location of your flags by clicking on the map fill in the test fields then click on the “Choose File” button to select a .jpg file with your desired photo. Recommended photo size is 600 by 400 pixels or smaller.

Q. How do I see a list of all of the prayer flags on the map?
A. Click on the “Message Board” link below the map to see a list of all of the pins, messages and photos.

Q. I have a question not answered here. What do I do?
A. For answers to questions not listed here send and e-mail to

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