Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Community Meeting with United States Senator Michael Bennet

Please join United States Senator Michael Bennet for a Community Meeting on Friday, April 17th in Gunnison to discuss issues of importance to our area. Your ideas and insights are very important to the Senator and he looks forward to visiting with you so that he might better serve you and, with your help, continue to make Colorado a great place today and for future generations.

You might consider asking the Senator about some of the important issues facing our area, including:

1.) Mt. Emmons and 1872 Mining Law Reform. Tell the Senator that this community is opposed to a mine on Mt. Emmons because of the impacts it would cause and ask him to support our efforts to protect our environment and economy. Ask him to support substantive reform of the 1872 Mining Law during this congress by backing the Hardrock Mining Reform bill that has been introduced in the Senate Energy Committee.

2.) Climate & Clean Energy. Tell the Senator that the threats of global climate change are particularly alarming for this community, Colorado and the West. Ask him to support legislation that would enable our region to use energy more efficiently and expedite our transition from coal-fired to renewable energy generation. Additionally, ask Bennet to support legislation that helps our state and nation transition to a clean energy economy, particularly cap and trade or a carbon tax.

3.) Public Lands. Tell the Senator that you want protection for Colorado’s 4.4 million acres of Roadless Areas that is equal to or greater than the protection given to these areas under the 2001 National Roadless Rule.

Please RSVP which meeting you plan to attend by emailing Randy See at or calling 970-241-6631. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.


Gunnison, CO: April 17 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM, Board of County Commissioner’s Meeting Room, Gunnison County Courthouse, 200 East Virginia Avenue, Gunnison, Colorado.