Gunnison County Commissioner’s Travel Plan Work Session
Tuesday May 26th from 10:50 – 11:50 AM – Let Your Voice be Heard

On Tuesday, May 26th from 10:50 – 11:50 AM (time subject to change – check website), the Gunnison Board of County Commissioners will be holding a work session on the Gunnison Travel Management Plan. This session is open to the public and the Commissioners will be taking comments on trail designations and travel management on the 1.6 million acres of public land in the Gunnison Basin & North Fork Valley. Come to the meeting and let your voice be heard!
With the June 3rd comment deadline for the Travel Management Plan fast approaching, it’s important to weigh in NOW. The county will be writing a comment letter to the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management and you have a chance to help shape what’s in that letter by attending this meeting and voicing your concerns.
There are 3 action alternatives in the Travel Management Plan and HCCA is encouraging its members to support a travel plan with Alternative 3 as its basis because:
• Alternative 3 is the most conservation friendly.
• Alternative 3 offers the best protection for Gunnison sage-grouse because of road closures near leks.
• Alternative 3 offers the best protection for the Whetstone Roadless Area & Cochetopa Hills.
• Alternative 3 is the only alternative that contains more non-motorized trails than motorized trails.
Let the county commissioners know that you value conservation issues in the Upper Gunnison River Basin and that you support Alternative 3.
In addition, write a comment letter to the USFS to let them know how you feel. Tell them you support Alternative 3 and also let them know what specific trails you would like to see remain open to your preferred mode of recreation. The USFS is looking for personalized letters that let them know what you agree with and disagree with in addition to which alternative you support and what improvements you would like to see.
Attend the May 26th County Commissioners Meeting on the 2nd Floor of the County Courthouse located at 200 E. Virginia Avenue.
And send in comments to the USFS . . . Email or Write:
Gunnison Basin Travel Management DEIS
2250 Hwy 50
Delta, CO 81416